Any site is in fact a set of files (texts, images, videos, software scripts, database, etc.). But why do you need hosting for the site? So that Internet users can see it at all. It is not enough to have files of the site on your PC, they need to be put on the network. […]
Building collapsible plugin
$ WP_Widget_Archives = new WP_Widget_Archives ();// use class methods Methods __construct ()Installs an instance of the widget.form ($ instance)Displays a form with the input of the widget settings (in the admin panel).update ($ new_instance, $ old_instance)Controls updating of the widget settings.widget ($ args, $ instance)Displays the content of the widget (in the front of the […]
Configure SMTP AUTH for mail servers
Create a text file as follows:# P=/etc/postfix/password# vi $PThe format of the client password file is as follows: username:password Save and close the file. Set permissions:# chown root:root $P# chmod 0600 $P# postmap hash:$P Enable SMTP AUTH Open file, enter:# vi /etc/postfix/main.cfAppend following config directives: relayhost = smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes […]
TasteWP – a convenient service for testing WordPress sites
The TasteWP platform is a sandbox for sites running on one of the most popular engines today – WordPress. Using this service, you can install your project for revision or testing in just a few minutes. This is very convenient not only for users, but also for plugin developers who can check how their code […]
ePayCore – payment service for freelance developers and more
Everyone who works on the Internet has come across payment systems in one way or another: to buy goods, earn money, make transfers to relatives, etc. The network has several suitable services in this area: WebMoney, Yandex.Money, Payeer, QIWI, PayPal, etc. Today I want to consider a new international system ePayCore, which has the functions […]
Coding random posts widget
You can add the code below to your theme’s functions.php file between the PHP tags. The PHP tags look like this: <?php…..?> function wpdean_rand_posts() { $args = array( ‘post_type’ => ‘post’, ‘orderby’=> ‘rand’, ‘posts_per_page’ => 5, ); $the_query = new WP_Query( $args ); if ( $the_query->have_posts() ) { $string .= ‘<ul>’; while […]
How To Move Your Blog From Blogger To WordPress
So, have you made your final decision to move the blog? No, don’t overthink that now! We welcome your decision – starting a self-hosted WordPress site was a smart choice and you will end up having more perks than you might have thought. Since you have invested so much time into Blogger, it would be […]
Import blogger beta to WordPress
A common situation: you create a new business and attach a small blog to it, without looking ahead and not counting on a serious increase in consumed resources and capacities in the future. And then such a day happened – your current blog on special services, such as Blogger, needs a larger platform. A logical […]